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Charlie Ball Award

Portrait photo of Charlie Ball smiling at the camera.To his colleagues and friends at Ontario Tech University, Charlie was more than a security guard; he was a mainstay in many of our daily comings and goings on the Downtown Campus. He was often one of the first people we would see in the morning walking into 55 Bond and was usually there to bid us a good evening when we left. He was always ready with a quick smile, a witty comment, or a little joke. He knew many of us by our first names and asked after our families, and often went out of his way to help students, staff, and faculty navigate their day.

The Faculty of Social Science and Humanities would like to continue his legacy through a bursary established in his honour. The funds raised will support an Ontario Tech University student with financial need in the upcoming academic year.

Your donation will contribute to the supportive environment for our students that Charlie helped nurture.


Our commitment is to ensure a sustainable, transparent, and efficient philanthropic program. To help achieve this, 5% of donations to expendable funds, with the exception of student financial support, are used to partially offset the costs of receipting, administering, tracking and distributing funds. Thank you for your support.  

Charitable Registration Number - 85924 8049 RR0001