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Dr. George Bereznai Nuclear Engineering Fund

Dr. George Bereznai Nuclear Engineering Fund

photo-george_bereznai-lg.jpg“The ‘dare to be different’ innovator”

“Major Pioneer in the CANDU Simulator World”


“Just a plain wonderful human being”


These are just some of the words used by students, alumni, academic and industry colleagues, and friends to describe Dr. George Bereznai. Dr. Bereznai is retiring after an impressive 19-year career with Ontario Tech University, and as a respected member of the Ontario energy sector and Canadian nuclear community.

His legacy is marked by many exceptional achievements and contributions to both the nuclear industry and academia. Dr. Bereznai is fondly recognized as founding Dean and visionary for the university’s Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS). As Canada’s only undergraduate degree in nuclear engineering, FESNS offers leading-edge graduate and PhD programs as well as second-career industry training and development courses, building the talent pipeline for Canada’s energy future.  

As the first faculty hire before the university opened in 2003, Dr. Bereznai played a pivotal role in shaping our culture for innovation and collaboration and building our reputation as a technology focused and distinctly modern university.

To honour Dr. Bereznai’s remarkable contributions, FESNS is raising funds to establish the Dr. George Bereznai Nuclear Engineering Fund to provide student scholarships. A fitting tribute and investment in the future of nuclear education.  

All gifts will be matched through the Ontario Tech Board of Governors’ Fund and a card listing all donors to the fund will be presented to Dr. Bereznai following the event.

To make a donation to the Dr. George Bereznai Nuclear Engineering Fund, please call 905-721-8668, ext. 5660 or email

Send best wishes.