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Sarah Wedge

Sarah Wedge

Software Engineering Alum and Women for STEM Award Recipient, Class of 2024

Sarah’s interest in STEM began when she was in high school, being a part of the robotics club, working with Lego Mindstorm NXTs, and programming in Java. This along with her love of math and design led her to choose Engineering as a career. “I knew Software Engineering would be the perfect program for me and turned to Ontario Tech for its innovative, hands-on learning with modern labs and specialized co-ops. Despite my passion for technology and programming, I was scared and unsure if I had what it takes to succeed”.

Sarah was accepted into Ontario Tech University and received the Women for STEM Scholarship in 2020.

“The Women for STEM program has had a significant impact on my educational journey.  Receiving this scholarship saved me from financial stress and allowed me to focus on my studies without having to balance a part-time job with my busy school schedule. Along with the scholarship, being a part of this program has taught me that there are other important aspects to university than solely focusing on my GPA. I have learned many skills that classes alone cannot teach you, such as how to be confident when expressing my ideas, how to network with others, and how to be a strong leader”.

One highlight that Sarah accredits to the Women for STEM program is the networking and career mentorship sessions. “My favorite so far was the Rise to the Top mentorship event where we learned how to confidently showcase our talents and experience to potential employers while highlighting the qualities that make us unique”.

Sarah appreciates the connections she has made through her journey at Ontario Tech and the Women for STEM program. “I value the strong connections I have made with the Women for STEM council members. They always celebrate my accomplishments and are available to offer advice whenever I reach out. They have taught me that I should never let intimidation or fear stop me from taking risks and achieving my goals. The Women for STEM program also pairs every student with an industry professional as a mentor. I am so grateful to my mentor for offering me guidance on choosing a career path as well as for providing me with great tips on designing a resume, navigating applications, and approaching interviews. Most importantly, this program has shown me how to embrace my role as a woman in STEM. I now look to the future with excitement and cannot wait to apply my passion for engineering to a job I love”.

In the future, Sarah is looking forward to gaining new experiences and applying the knowledge she has gained over her time at Ontario Tech. “I love how universal Software Engineering is and how it can lead me in so many directions that are all equally exciting. I am eager for the chance to succeed and make a difference in the career of my choosing”.