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2022 Recordings

Jacquie Hoornweg, Brilliant Energy Institute

A Brilliant Future: Building a Net Zero World

Dr. Xinyao (Joseph) Zhou and Dr. Karolina Krystyniak

Pathways to Modern Finance

Dr. Nick La Delfa

The Crucial Role and Scope of Ergonomics

Dr. Jennifer Laffier and Dr. Bobby Stojanoski

Physical and Mental Health in the Digital Age

Dr. Theresa Stotesbury

CSI at Ontario Tech: How bloodstains and biomolecules are giving us new insights into forensic analyses

Dr. Dan Hoornweg

Wicked Problems [and worries of the world] 

Rachel Sumner, Ontario Tech Talent

Fueling the Talent [Pi]peline

Osman Hamid, Brilliant Catalyst

Activating Innovation: The role of collaboration between Incubators and Angel Investors

Alyssa McLeod

Truth and Reconciliation: Beyond 94 Calls to Action

Dr. Marc Rosen

Energy Sustainability: A Critical Quest