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Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Empowering Changemakers

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities students are passionate about making a positive impact locally and globally. Graduating with the skills to change the world, they drive innovation in policies and practices that create equitable, inclusive, and thriving communities. In a rapidly changing world, their ability to foster creativity, reason, empathy, communication, and cultural understanding is invaluable across every career path. Your support will empower these future leaders to reimagine and create a better future for us all.

Ontario Tech University employees can also support our students through monthly payroll donations.

Credit card donations

Our commitment is to ensure a sustainable, transparent, and efficient philanthropic program. To help achieve this, 5% of donations to expendable funds, with the exception of student financial support, are used to partially offset the costs of receipting, administering, tracking and distributing funds. Thank you for your support.  

Charitable Registration Number - 85924 8049 RR0001