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Adam's Scholarship Story

Adam stands in front of an Ontario Tech Ridgeback's banner, smiling at the camera.Adam Klimek, a second-year nuclear engineering student and a vital member of our Men's Soccer team. Adam embodies the spirit of dedication and perseverance that defines our student-athletes. Yet, he stands at the precipice of a challenge, teetering between the pursuit of greatness and the weight of financial strain.

Like many of our Ridgebacks, Adam faces unique challenges in pursuing his academic and athletic ambitions. As you may remember, balancing rigorous academic studies with the demands of varsity athletics requires immense dedication and sacrifice. With four siblings and the sole responsibility of funding his own post-secondary education, Adam was grateful to receive the Bob and Sallie Baun Varsity scholarship to support his tuition and living expenses.

 “I’m so thankful for the financial award I received. It allows me to focus more and perform better on the soccer field and in the classroom.”

Adam's narrative is one of potential and boundless ambition, a testament to the transformative power of education and opportunity. We believe that fostering an accessible, equitable and diverse campus community will aid students in forging new paths that break down barriers and allow them to make a positive impact in a tech-focused world.

By making a gift to the Ontario Tech Fund today you are supporting the scholarships and bursaries students like Adam desperately depend on. Together, let's ensure that the legacy of Ontario Tech athletics continues to inspire and empower future generations of champions. Thank you for standing shoulder to shoulder with our Ridgebacks, rewriting the playbook of possibility.

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