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Ontario Tech Fund

At Ontario Tech, we believe that education can transform lives and your contributions play a pivotal role in making these beliefs a reality. Now more than ever, Ontario Tech students are counting on us. 

Did you know?

  • 64% of Ontario Tech students relied on the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to attend university.
  • Two-thirds of Ontario Tech undergraduate students are the first in their family to attend university.
  • Half of our first-year students and 79% of our fourth-year students juggle part-time jobs and many have long commutes to attend labs and classes.

Donor support is essential in sustaining and expanding our investment in students.

Romeo's Scholarship Story

 Third-year kinesiology student, Romeo embodies resilience, determination, and the life-changing potential of education. 

Meet Romeo and learn more! - Romeos Scholarship Story

Adam's Scholarship Story

Adam is a second-year nuclear engineering student and a vital member of the Men's Soccer team. He embodies the spirit of dedication and perseverance that defines our student-athletes.
Meet Adam and learn more! - Adams Scholarship Story

Donate to the Ontario Tech Fund - All gifts, no matter the size, are important.

Our commitment is to ensure a sustainable, transparent, and efficient philanthropic program. To help achieve this, 5% of donations to expendable funds, with the exception of student financial support, are used to partially offset the costs of receipting, administering, tracking and distributing funds. Thank you for your support.  

Charitable Registration Number - 85924 8049 RR0001