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Mahalia Cardinal

Thinking like an engineer to find solutions in any situation

Mahalia CardinalMahalia Cardinal's reaction to her first semester at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology:  "This is amazing - I love this!"

Returning to school after an unfulfilling few years working in business, Mahalia discovered her aptitude for engineering at UOIT. As a mature student, she may not have found this path if it weren't for donor support. Donor-funded awards helped her pay the bills and focus on earning a 3.94 GPA in her first year. DUring her time at the university, she also founded the National Society of Black Engineers - UOIT Chapter, achieved the Dean's List and the President's List, and developed skills that are in high demand.

Soon after graduating from the software engineering program, Mahalia found a job she's thriving in. She's working as a business analyst for a company with 1.6 million customers, confident that she can put her mind to almost any situation and find a solution.  

One of the things about UOIT that most impressed Mahalia, especially after having attended another educational institution, was how the professors constantly encouraged students to ask questions. In fact, physics was her most challenging course and many days she would go to the professor's office after class and request a detailed explanation of the lesson to help her understand. "He never, ever had a problem doing that. I knew that I could get as much out of my experience at school as I put into it."

Mahalia also assertively sought co-op placements, because without a technology background, she knew she needed practical work experience. Knowing that good grades were essential to securing optimal placements, she focused intently on her studies. Her efforts paid off with three excellent placements: the software engineering department of GE Hitachi-Nuclear, the autoCAD department of Hydro One Networks and the eMessaging department of TD Bank Group. These placements enabled her to experience varied aspects of software engineering and helped her figure out what she most enjoyed. "They were all relevant, valuable co-ops that prepared me for the job I have now."

She thanks UOIT for "helping me learn to think inside and outside the box – for realizing I can put my mind to any situation and find a solution. It's a great asset."

Mahalia Cardinal
Class of 2014
BEng (Honours) – Software Engineering
Junior Business Analyst, Reliance Home Comfort