Is your gift eligible for the $1 million matching gift program?
All expendable gifts* valued at $5,000 or more and received after September 4, 2013 will be eligible for the matching funds.
*Excludes expendable gifts that are eligible for another matching gift program.
If I’m interested in gift planning, where do I start?
After consulting with your family and advisor, select the best donation option for you and your estate plans. If you have questions, you can also contact a gift planning specialist at the university. We are here to help and will work with you and the timing that works best for you.
What do Ontario Tech students need?
University students have an ever increasing need for bursaries to help pay for their university education, scholarships to honour academic excellence and varsity awards for performance on the field and in the classroom.
As a research-focused university, we have a growing need to fund faculty members conducting research projects, and to invest in the space and equipment required to provide students with research experience.
The university has grown at an unprecedented rate and we have plans to expand our world-class facilities to accommodate a student population of 20,000 by 2030. For this to be realized, we'll need to build several new buildings, including student spaces, research and laboratory facilities and additional classrooms.
Can the university issue a receipt for income tax purposes?
Yes, to the full amount allowed by Canada Revenue Agency. For gifts of securities and other donations, receipts are issued during the tax year the gift is received. For gifts in estates, when the gift is received, a receipt is issued immediately to the estate. Monthly donors receive one receipt at the end of the year.
Charitable business #85924 8049 RR0001
Does the university accept gifts of securities such as stocks or bonds?
Yes, in fact many donors chose to contribute this way, especially at the end of the year. An easy-to-download form is available at giving.uoit.ca, or you can contact the Advancement office for a copy. Our policy is to initiate the sale of securities as soon as they are received in our bank account.
Does the university accept anonymous gifts?
Yes, we honour the wishes of all of our donors. Receipts and estate reporting letters must use the full name of the donor and you may choose not to be listed in the Report on Donor Philanthropy or on our electronic donor walls.